Thursday 16 February 2012

Keep your curiosity sacred.

As a trainee journalist I need something to aim towards, or a print that I love to read. And to be honest ive never had this, untill I found 'Oh Comely'. Ive never heard about this magazine untill I found it in a little newsagents in SOHO, but im so happy I now have! It such a beautifully set up magazine that is so easy to read. The editorials are about things like biscuits, illustrators, musicians and tattoos, things that make you smile as you are reading them and im sure they love writing about. My favourite would have to be an illustrated story 'Four-legged meditation' 'Scenes from walks with my dog' by Rob Hodgson. He's literally just telling you about his dog Jack and when he walks him. For a start im a massive dog lover and have two of my own, who I miss very much whilst away at uni. And yet the sheer passion in the way that he writes it and the small snippets that move you make this piece of writing something that makes my skin tingle. "For all Jack the dogs humbleness and his quiet appreciation he can sometimes break out into a run, when he perhaps he is overcome by clarity, happy to be alive he is galloping through the pines." You should definitely have a look if you get a chance. This is the front cover...

Heres Rob and Jack...

Lovelovelove x

Saturday 4 February 2012


So I have no money. However I still found myself wandering around Guildford shopping centre yesterday arvo. This is a real problem for me, and yet, I didn't actually buy anything! Actually what I did do was grab everything around me that I would have bought if money permitted and tried it on, then took photos! Not quite the same effect in the long run but momentarily made me feel a bit better. Here are a few favourites...
This was perhaps a size too big, although the baggy look is what is intended with this dress. Im thinking port royal Vans in the summer. Topshop £29.

This one was absolutely beautiful, however its sleevless which is a bit of a no no for me as I need lipo on my arms, DRASTICALLY! Topshop £50.

Loved this, im going to Thailand for a month and a bit in July and this would be perfect for trekking around the islands. However the tan lines may be a bit odd. Topshop £29.

At the moment its a tad easier for me not to be buying the world as we are currently in that transition period before summer when its still really cold but the sun is out every day. Im also trying to loose a shed load of weight before summer so I can be a size 10 goddess. Wish me luck! 

Lovelovelove x